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April 8, 2024 - The Miami Conservancy District is pleased to announce office hours in Hamilton for property owners to schedule individual consultations regarding flood protection assessments. Through personalized appointments, community members can gain insights into the flood protection system and understand the readjustment of appraisal ...
The 7th high water event of the year was recorded April 11-15 when as much as 2.5 inches of rain fell across Miami Valley. By Wednesday evening four of the five Miami Conservancy District dams were storing water that would otherwise pose a flood risk to cities along the Great Miami River. The dams at Germantown, Englewood, Lockington, an ...
As of April 4, the pool stage has now crested behind all the Miami Conservancy District flood protection dams. The Englewood Dam pool was the last to crest, and it crested at 8am this morning (that means the amount of stored water behind the dams is starting to lower). As of 10:45am this morning only three of the dams remain in s ...
As much as 4 inches of rain fell over the previous 48 hours – with more in the forecast for this evening and the overnight hours. Currently, three of the Miami Conservancy District dams are storing water that otherwise would flood cities along the Great Miami River. Riverfront communities are protected from flooding by the Miami Conser ...
The Troy Open House is rescheduled to April 9, from 4pm to 6pm, due to threat of extreme weather. Please stay safe and we will see you next week in Troy. About the Open House Community members are encouraged to stop by and learn about the flood protection system. Property owners who are protected by the system can also find ...
Legal Notice (below) as posted in newspapers on March 25, 2024 Readjustment of the Appraisal of Benefits webpage OR Fact Sheet Property Owners: Learn About Your Assessment List of Statutory Exemptions Download a PDF file of the Revised Appraisal Record of Benefits (this does not list the assessments) for each county: Butl ...
The Board of Appraisers of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will meet on March 21, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will take place at The Miami Conservancy District located at 38 E. Monument Avenue, Dayton, OH 45402.
The Board of Directors of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will hold its regular meeting on March 21, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at the Miami Conservancy District located at 38 East Monument Avenue, Dayton, OH 45402. The regular meeting will be preceded by a work session at 10:00 a.m.
Released March 12, 2024 - The Miami Conservancy District is seeking proposals for renting MCD land for the purpose of grass harvesting. Eligible agricultural producers would rent hay ground in Dayton and/or Middletown and harvest a minimum of two (2) times per mowing season. Download PDFs of the Request for Proposals (Dayton) and/or (Midd ...
During the month of February 1.60 inches of precipitation fell across the Great Miami River Watershed — that is 0.79 inches below the monthly average. As of February 29, the Great Miami River Watershed received 6.89 inches of precipitation in 2024 which is 1.41 inches above average for this point in the calendar year. Despite the above ...
We are seeking proposals! In partnership with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Miami Conservancy District is seeking qualified proposals to develop a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) to start a new Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), the Miami Rivers CREP, in Southwest Ohio. Parties eligible to submit ...
The Board of Appraisers of The Miami Conservancy District and its Subdistricts will meet on February 29, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will take place at The Miami Conservancy District located at 38 E. Monument Avenue, Dayton, OH 45402.
Miami Conservancy District hosting open house in Hamilton for property owners Learn about flood protection assessments for property owners Dates, times and locations February 27, 2024 - 4-6PM Miami University Hamilton, Hamilton, Ohio Harry T. Wilks Conference Center April 2, 2024, 4-6PM Hobart Arena, Troy, Ohio Bravo R ...
Save the Date - April 19 for the 2024 Riverway Summit in Piqua, Ohio. The Summit brings together hundreds of regional leaders and outdoor enthusiasts to discuss economic development and workforce, tourism, and outdoor recreation. The 2024 Riverway Summit will feature the exciting investment and development happening in Piqua; the economic ...
Register for the March 19 Test Your Well Event in Greene County. Are you a well owner? When's the last time you had your drinking water tested? If you're like many well owners in the United States, you probably have never tested your water. Why should you bother? You have plenty of water and it tastes good, right? If you want to be sur ...
COMING SOON! If you are a property owner, you can use a new web app to easily access your assessment. Using your name, street address, or parcel ID number, you are able to see how the current individual assessment is determined and the amount of your new projected assessment. If you need further assistance with checking your assessment, ...
The Miami Conservancy District Records Commission will meet December 6, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at MCD Headquarters, 38 E. Monument Avenue, Dayton, OH 45402.
A new Storybook Trail featuring a children's book about water was unveiled on Friday, October 20 at 4PM along the Great Miami River Recreation Trail in downtown Dayton. The signs were installed along the bike trail, overlooking the Great Miami River, just north of Carillon Boulevard (map below). The storybook trail features 12 unique kios ...
How much did it rain in September? We would love to tell you. There was just 0.94 inches of precipitation to the Great Miami River Watershed. That is 2.22 inches below the monthly average. The station at Miamisburg recorded the highest amount during the month - 2.71 inches. and the station at Bellefontaine recorded the lowest amount - a m ...
To commemorate the first mile of paved trail constructed in the region 50 years ago, a brief celebration event was held Friday, September 29 along the Great Miami River Recreation Trail in Troy. The event was held on the Great Miami River Recreation Trail at a new bike trail amenity that includes the kiosk and a new seating area overlooki ...