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Groundwater Guardian


Miami Conservancy District is designated as a Groundwater Guardian by The Groundwater Foundation for more than 25 years. This designation honors MCD for its good groundwater and environmental stewardship, education programs, and land management that protects water.  

Miami Conservancy District follows these groundwater-friendly practices:

  • Applies the recommended amounts of fertilizer and pesticide, and only when necessary.
  • Maintains no-application zones around active wells.
  • Educates staff and constituents on environmental stewardship.
  • Recycles and/or properly disposes of toxic substances such as batteries, tires, and used motor oil.
  • Follows Intergrated Pest Management Practices.
  • When adding or replacing plants (e.g., turf grass, shrubs, trees, etc.) species are chosen based on having a lower input requirement and being adaptable to the region.
  • Conserves water by not irrigating turf.
  • Properly stores pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Follows proper spill containment procedures.
  • Maintains a setback or no-application zone around surface water and wetlands.
  • Ceases pesticide and fertilizer application when wind speed is high.
  • Properly protects and seals non-active wells.
  • Arranges for a certified professional to service on-site wastewater treatment system.
  • Fuel is stored above ground with secondary containment.
  • Follows water management plan to protect groundwater and surface water quality.