Assessment Rates are Increasing in 2025 - Learn About Your Flood Protection Assessment

Capital Improvement Projects

The Miami Conservancy District is working to improve the integrated flood protection system so communities continue to stay safe. The flood protection system has stayed strong for over 100 years; Without improvement, there is an increased risk of failure and threat from catastrophic flooding. It now requires reinvestment, rehab, and renewal to continue to protect communities from destructive flooding.



Current Capital Assessment


Capital Improvement Plan 

The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a capital assessment authorized from 2025 to 2032. The CIP includes short and long-term projects. 

  • $140M in rehabilitation and reinvestment projects has been identified through risk analysis.
  • Each year, The Miami Conservancy District reports on the progress of improvements and needs of the system, as required by state law to the Conservancy Court.


Types of improvements needed

  • The dams have held back floodwaters over 2,100 times. They need concrete wall and spillway improvements to restore the stability of the structures.
  • Levees, floodwalls, revetments, floodgates, and outfalls undergo harsh conditions and protect densely populated areas. Many require major rehab, replacement, or upgrade.
  • Erosion problems in maintained channels such as the Great Miami, Stillwater, and Mad rivers are threatening levee stability. This also threatens community assets including critical infrastructure such as water treatment facilities, roads, bridges, and more.
  • Multiple facilities do not meet current standards including ADA requirements.
  • The fleet is not secure from weather, vandalism, and damages, which reduces their life cycle.


Phased approach

  • Prioritize projects using rigorous monitoring, inspections, and risk analysis.
  • Develop strategies to ensure a high level of protection.
  • Pursue diverse funding opportunities such as grants and low interest loans to reduce the burden on local communities.


Immediate need

  • Inspections by regulatory agencies resulted in reports that require the Miami Conservancy District to make necessary repairs and maintenance to all dams immediately, but there is no adequate funding source.
  • The levees of the Miami Conservancy District are subject to the costly, federally mandated FEMA accreditation process, but there is no adequate funding source.



Previous Capital Improvement Assessment



Dam Safety Initiative (1999-2022)

The Dam Safety Initiative (DSI) was a capital assessment that expired in 2022. The total amount authorized to spend on dam safety through 2023 projects was approximately $34M. The DSI was authorized to address a limited scope of high-risk concerns related to dam underseepage, crest permeability, and concrete deterioration. MCD has no long-term funding since the DSI expired.

Through the end of 2022, Miami Conservancy District managed the analysis, design, and construction of dam safety projects to improve the safety of the flood protection system including:

  • Installed over 208 relief wells to control threat of underseepage at all five MCD dams
  • Placed impervious material at the crest of three dams to protect against seepage
  • Rehabbed concrete and walls at Lockington Dam to improve stability
  • Improved floodgates, revetment, and floodwalls in multiple cities

Miami Conservancy District also secured grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) using the DSI funds as matching dollars.